Research Studios

Discover our world-class viewing facility – based in the heart of London and built for UX testing, market research, playtesting, focus groups and more.

Our 3 state of the art studios are fully customisable and fitted with the highest quality technology and our observation rooms are spacious and have everything needed for collaborative analysis.

The Warehouse

The Warehouse is an impressive, high-ceilinged space, expressive of the building’s distinct architectural style. As a studio, it features a video-based observation room for 8 observers, with available overflow, and an adjoining breakout room.

  • Meeting room set up
  • Multi screen set up
  • Research studio set up

Large, flexible research studio with multiple configurations to suit your research needs.
8 observers

Rates starting from £1250 per day

Hourly and half day rates available on request

The Ground Floor Studio

A clean, bright space that lends itself to maximum productivity, ideal for usability testing and focus groups, with a one-way mirror for observers, a large TV screen and a range of gaming platforms.

  • User testing session
  • User testing session
  • Research studio workshop

6 people
8 observers

Rates starting from £1000 per day

Hourly and half day rates available on request

All prices exclude VAT

The Basement

This roomy, self-contained space is spread over an entire basement floor. It features a private kitchen and breakout area, a video-based observation room and a wide selection of game consoles and set-top boxes.

  • Basement research studio
  • Basement kitchen

10 people

Rates starting from £1000 per day

Hourly and half day rates available on request

All prices exclude VAT

Studio Technology

We have developed a bespoke set of studios containing advanced technology so that you can achieve the best results from your testing sessions. Please find a list of them here.


To book studios please give Kelly or Freya a call at +44 (0)207 961 9031, or email

Want to book a meeting room?

A range of meeting rooms, to cater to all sizes and activities.