Labs Life: Meet Yasmin Rowan
Welcome back to Labs Life, where we give you a behind the scenes insight into the lives of the people that can be found in the London and San Fransisco studios. Meet our London based Studio Coordinator Yasmin, a textiles guru and world traveller.

Explain your job to me like I am a five year old.
I help look after a building in London that has five floors and seven rooms. Different companies come in everyday to use the rooms for events, meetings and research. I help set up the spaces for them and give them all the information they need before they attend such as costs, organising lunch and how to get here.
What did you do before you came to Sutherland?
After studying Textile Design at university in Nottingham, I moved back to my parent’s house in Kent and worked as a barista for just over a year where I grew a real passion for hospitality and looking after people.
I wanted to find a creative work environment where I could express my love for people and Sutherland Labs was a perfect fit.
If I went back in time and asked the ten year old version of you, what would they say that they wanted to be when they grew up?
I grew up in Malaysia for ten years and I was super content climbing trees, exploring with my sister and not really thinking about the future. However I did go through a phase of wanting to be a ballerina…even though I can’t dance to save my life!
What is the unique talent that you bring to Sutherland?
I’d like to think I’m a pretty easy going person, even when under pressure I always think it’s important to stay positive.
What do you do for fun?
I’m always on the hunt for a new exhibition! One of the reasons I love living in London is that there is always something new to see. I’m also a keen cook, so in between looking after clients and exploring London’s galleries you’ll probably find me trying out a new recipe or checking out a recommended restaurant!

What inspires you?
I think travelling to new countries is always a great way to get inspired for work or personal life. I love indulging in new cultures, trying new food and discovering new art when I’m in a new place.
How do you see the industry changing in the next few years?
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, the research and event industries are already going through a lot of change. Luckily for our research side of the business we have adapted well to moving remotely!
As for all the team away days, meetings and other events, I am sure we will start to see more things move online too but I’m definitely looking forward to having people back in our spaces so I can look after them again!
Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment sadly. When I was younger I had four turtles, a cat and a dog… in the future I would love to have a dog again!
What has been your best experience while working with Sutherland?
I love the diversity that comes from working at Sutherland. Being in the studio team means that no two days are the same, wether it be setting up the studios for a client, running a recruitment project or organising catering for an event! I have also really enjoyed being able to meet such a wide range of people that come through the doors at Short’s Gardens. All of these different experiences have stretched and helped me to grow as a person.
Thanks Yasmin! Look out for the next edition of Labs life where you will get to meet the next member of the team.