Join us for San Francisco Design Week!
If you are based near to San Francisco and are interested in what the future of customer experience is going to look like then cancel your plans for 15th June because we have got just the thing for you!
San Francisco Design Week runs from June the 14th right through to the 22nd, with our little evening landing on the second night. This week bring together the best and brightest in San Francisco’s design scene, so we have donated a pair of the smartest cookies in the Sutherland Labs to kick things off with an evening of structured conversations about the future of customer experiences.

One of our Service Designers Akriti Vora, will be one of the hosts on the night
Akriti Vora, one of our best Service Designers, and Philip Say, our VP of Innovation and Product Management, will be there to guide you through some structured dreaming about how things like the maker movement, augmented reality, chatbots, wearables, digital assistants, automatically gathered marketing data, behavior modification, virtual reality and the shifting significance of customer interactions are going to change the world that we all live in and how we interact with each other over the next few years.
How will brands engage with their customers in the year 2050 and how will their customers talk back if they want to be heard? How will customers become co-creators of the brands that they love? How will customers and employees all become integrated into a single user base?
Join us for an evening examining Speculative Customer Experiences at Sutherland Labs at Floor 3, 128 Spear Street, San Francisco from 6pm on June the 15th as we guide you towards finding the answers to all of these questions for yourselves!